Podcast – Instagram Insider Spills the Tea with Jon Youshaei

I interview Jon Youshaei, former YouTube Head of Creator Product Marketing. Today, though, he is the Product Marketing Manager for Instagram’s IGTV! To be honest, I was super excited to see just how far I could pull back the curtain on the inside workings of Instagram — and Jon does not disappoint! He shares tons of insight, including: new features soon to be rolled out, why some people have certain features (and others don’t), how seriously IG takes it when you report bugs / give feedback and so much more! Bottom line: If you use Instagram at all, this episode is a MUST-LISTEN!


You’ll also find out:

  • Jon’s backstory
  • What factored into Jon fully immersing himself into his job at IG
  • Will Jon use his insider knowledge to grow his own brand one day?
  • Why video retention on Instagram is less than YouTube or Facebook (and how to fix it)
  • Is vertical or horizontal video best and why
  • What are Badges
  • The differences between a Creator and Business account
  • The ideal place to put your hashtags
  • The benefits of using IGTV vs Reels (and vice versa)
  • What Jon sees for the future of Reels
  • Why some accounts have music (or allowed to) and others don’t
  • Are likes really going away?
  • How to use Stories to promote the stuff in your Feed
  • When Captions will change (to improve writing paragraphs, etc.)
  • How much the timing of Reels debuting has to do with the news of TikTok disappearing
  • Will IGTV ever be a standalone app?
  • The benefit of jumping on new features as soon as they’re launched
  • The future of monetization for Creators on Instagram
  • What to get excited about re: future updates to IG
  • The revealing question Jon asks me about my process



Important Links from the Show

Follow Jon on Instagram @Yoiushaei

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If you liked this episode, check out Episode #402 from Build Your Tribe – Tips to Create the Best Photos for Instagram

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