What Does an Accountability Coach Do?

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Before I get into what an accountability coach does for you, let me begin by stating when the right time might be to pursue such coaching.

The Right Time To Pursue Accountability Coach

Let’s say you’ve joined a membership program or an online academy. Marketing Impact Academy, for example, is oftentimes the first step for people who realize,

“I don’t know how to do these things myself (i.e., grow a brand, find a niche, etc.) and need someone who can show me the pros and cons and lead me in the right direction.”

Now, an online course (or any course, really) is not going to do the work for you. But neither is a coach.

So, when you might need an accountability coach is when you’ve invested in program after program and simply don’t have what it takes to hold yourself accountable.

If that’s you, your first step might be hiring an accountability coach!

What Does an Accountability Coach Do?

She will crack the whip, so to speak, and keep you accountable — plain and simple.

Things that might be included with this type of coaching:

  • Meet with you twice a month for 45 minutes, set some objectives for you
  • Make sure that you follow through and meet those objectives/goals that you’ve created for yourself
  • Develop future milestones

If you’ve invested in a course in the past that you have lifetime access to — whether it’s one of my courses or somebody else’s course — and you’re like,

“Dang, I feel bad ’cause I’ve invested in all of these courses and they’re just sitting there and I just cannot force myself to get through them and to do the work.”

Well, then hire an accountability coach!

Because these coaches tend to be lower-level, you can find someone who’s really reasonable in price.

Accountability Coach Are Lower Level So Reasonably Priced

To be honest, you can even hire a life coach for similar accountability needs. In both scenarios, they don’t require the expertise of whatever you’re learning or trying to grow.

They just need to have expertise in the area of holding people accountable and helping people with goal setting and objectives.

For much more related to this topic, like:

  • Why hiring a coach is outsourcing your failure
  • My question to you re: your business and the time really spent strategizing
  • How to vet a potential coach

Then definitely check out the Build Your Tribe episode below:

And don’t forget to subscribe to BYT for weekly shows all about keeping you accountable (see what I did there?) to your business/social media growth and success!


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